En ny blogg.

De 11 traditionella sommarlovsveckorna är nu förbi, trots att jag ju har lite ledigt kvar innan studierna börjar. Tyckte ändå det var dags att börja använda en ny blogg. Från och med idag, hittar man mig här

Ett romantiskt bröllop.

Dagen i bilder:

Klädproblemet löste sig med den gamla vanliga DKNY klänningen.
Gillar nog den, har bara använt den så mycket. Jeans jackan hade
jag bara på mig när vi åkte, det kändes så kallt.

En vacker, rörd och nygift kusin.

Det blåstes såpbubblor på brudparet då de kom ut ur kyrkan. Roligare än ris tycker jag,
eftersom det råa riset gör att fåglarna börjar må dåligt.

Mera bubblor.

O så åkte de iväg till festplatsen.

Också systrarna mina var blommiga och söta där de vinglade fram på skyhöga klackar.

Brudfrämmor, tärna, bestmen och några gäster.

En söt havsinspirerad dukning..

...och en meny full med en massa gott! Åt halvt ihjäl mig eftersom allt fanns
framdukat i en buffet.

Kakdags efter lite lekar och annat skoj.

Vals uppe på loftet.

Snart fylldes dansgolvet med människor i alla åldrar..

..för att sedan senare på kvällen tömmas och ägas av ungdomarna.

Men först skulle bruden rövas bort! För att få tillbaka sin fru måste brudgummen dra en
aerobiclektion och spela ett solo på bas. Kunde ha gått värre!

Det var en fin dag. Blir rörd som en gammal tant av bröllop. Tycker det känns så stort att lova att älska nån hela livet, och speciellt när man ser hur mannen tittar på sin fru. En sån blick vill jag ha någon gång.

En äckel-känsla.

Ohh. Min kusins bröllop imorgon. INGET att ha på mig. Allt jag har är vitt, svart eller gammalt och fult. Köpte en klänning idag, men också den såg underlig ut när jag provade den hemma. Skulle behöva nåt pink eller cerise. Men det kryllar inte butikerna precis av just nu. Ett verkligt I-lands problem, men ett problem i alla fall. Hatar att gå till en tillställning och inte känna mig bekväm med vad jag har på mig. USCH. panik.

En favoritdryck.

Har alltid älskat coladrycker av alla slag. Framför allt Coca Cola. Är även ett stort fan av designen på deras flaskor, speciellt de gamla små glasflaskorna. De är så vackra. Det lilla extra har ändå Nathalie Rykiels designade coca cola light flaska. Skulle gärna äga en sån. Nu blir det ett litet barnvaktsjobb hos grannarna, och sedan den efterlängtade hårklippningen!


En resa.

Så är man hemma igen. Back to reality liksom. Här väntar hyresavtal, elavtal och en massa packning och införskaffning av diverse husgeråd. Skulle behöva minst en månad på mig. Resan var i varje fall precis vad jag hade förväntat mig : lugn och skön. Inget att klaga på, men tror det blir någon större plats nästa gång i alla fall. Imorgon har jag äntligen en tid för hårklippning. Mitt hår är alldeles för tungt och hängigt just nu. Snart borde jag laga en ny blogg också. Tror jag.

En förväntansfull atmosfär.

Snart är det dags att åka till flygfältet! Är ganska nyfiken på hur allt skall gå. Kan inte ett ord grekiska, och språket är ju inte så lätt att läsa heller. Skall bli skönt att komma bort från allt pappersarbete och alla flyttningsbestyr för ett tag. Mest väntar jag ändå på solen, värmen och den goda maten. Den här resan blir en väldig kontrast till min senaste resa, där jag levde storstadsliv. Nu är det en liten by med 12 000 invånare som gäller. Det är ganska lustigt, förr skrattade jag lite åt par i min ålder som åkte på resa tillsammans, nu känns det plötsligt helt rätt. Varför skulle man inte resa med sitt favorit sällskap?

Här är vi imorgon!

En glad nyhet.

Idag fick jag veta att jag får en söt liten bostad nära Åbo centrum. Jag hade ansökt om två stycken, men jag hoppades hela tiden på den här. Den är ganska liten, 27 kvadratmeter, men har ett större kök än den andra lägenheten hade. Precis vad jag behöver. Nu gäller det bara att hitta lite fina möbler också. Högst på listan finns en iMac och en stor skön säng med ett fint överkast och många coola dynor.

Men före det blir det lite packande igen, på onsdag bär det nämligen av till Grekland. Idag var jag och inhandlade det sista för resan: solskydd och desinfektionsmedel bland annat. Så bjöd min pojkvän Attes pappa oss på lunch också på ett mysigt italienskt ställe. Nu börjar jag känna av en liten fjäril som susar omkring i min mage.

I detta kök blir jag tvungen att lära mig laga god mat själv. Tror jag kommer
att leva på pasta..

Det konstigaste med lägenheten är nog badrummets placering.

Till femte våningen i det här huset bär det av om några veckor!

En mysig landevistelse.

Här har varit rätt dött ett tag, på grund av att jag genast åkte till landet efter att jag kom hem från min resa. Veckan på vår holme mossaklobb var skön, trots att inte vädret var det bästa alla dagar. Men landeliv på sommaren hör till för mig. Bastu, båtliv, ärter, nypotatis, kortspel: hela köret. Och ett besök till Ekenäs är alltid ett måste. Den staden är så himla mysig.

A this-is-it feeling.

Now I'll only eat a light lunch, and then it is time to leave for the airport! A ten-hour flight ahead of me. I hope it will go fast!

A tearful goodbye.

It is always sad and hard to leave, when you don't know when you will see the dear people you leave again. They told me I'd get a trip to the states as their present when I'm getting married, so I'll at least be back then. But unfortunately it is still a very long time till that day. I kind of hope I'll get to go here earlier than that..

I am ,however, looking forward to going home. Five weeks away from my life was a loooong time, and I miss everybody at home terribly. I couldn't possibly be more excited! FInland suddenly seems like the right place to be. Home sweet home.

Pictures from Art


Another art museum.

I saw some pretty nice paintings today at the Metropolitan museum of Art. It is a strange feeling to see for example Monet and Klimt's work live : you know so much about the paintings and oh, it's just great!

My favorite exhibition at the museum was one about fashion trough time. "The model as Muse: Embodying Fashion." They had big rooms decorated so that you knew the decade from both the interior and the music. They also had old Vogue covers and a lot of photos everywhere.

In the room for our time, they played nirvana, and it was a lot of dark colors on the walls. Then they had all the supermodels' names painted in white graffiti all over the place. In the middle of the room stood three very skinny and pale models on a stage. It was a completely different feeling compared to the other rooms, where everything was glamorous and the models looked happy.

A Vogue photo shoot 1948  http://www.metmuseum.org/special/model_muse/view_1.asp?item=0

Art on the roof

Some Monet. ( I LOVED the fact that you could take pictures of some paintings! )
I know you can find better pictures of this painting anywhere, but it is nice to have
one of your own.

Van Gogh


We had lunch at the Austrian Museum and I had a delicious Rum Cake for
dessert. Unfortunately we didn't have time to look around. I would have
loved to, since they have a lot of Klimt's work.

All in all, this was a very nice way to spend my last day in the states!

A job at an art school.

I have now finished working at the Madison Montessori School in Madison, NJ. I liked volunteering at the school: the children were cute and their work was interesting. What I liked the most however, was to see what they had in their lunchboxes. It really tells a lot about the child's family.

In montessori schools, you want the children to learn by doing. They can pick anything they want to do, and usually you don't help them that much. You let them solve their own problems in other words. They also work a lot with how you treat other people, and in my opinion the children were kinder and more polite than the Finnish children I've met.

Each week, we studied art and litterature from one of the continents in the world.  During my three weeks at the school we got to know South America, Europe and Asia. I don't think working in a school like MMS is what I would like to do in the future, but it certainly was an interesting experience.

Genuine Art at MMS

The Montessori philosophy

More Genuine Art

Here I spent my days

My last day of work

My thank you present

A new iPod.

The iPod touch was not really in my taste. I did not like the touch screen, and I am not interested in having that much games and movies on my iPod, so the nano is definitely more my thing. I had a hard time picking what color I wanted though. Suddenly the purple one didn't appeal to me as much as before: there were so many wonderful colors. Finally I fell for the green one. It looked fresh and new.  At least for now..

But all in all, the sound is a thousand times better than on my last iPod, and I love all the new features. On top of that, a green choice always feels good these days.

A lazy day.

Today I had to stay home from work, because I caught a strange virus from somewhere. I have no other symptoms than red, hot and itching cheeks and no power to do anything. My godmother Terry told me that it is a common virus, I just have a very "friendly" version of it. 

So, I spent the day eating ice cream and watching TV. Not too bad anyway, but I hope I could go to work tomorrow. Two lazy days is too much for me with only 6 days of my trip left.

The big question right now is : a purple iPod nano or an iPod touch? 

A birthday party.

Last sunday my cousin (actually my second cousin, our dads are cousins, but they are like brothers and kind of grew up together so we are like cousins) turned 18. He had an early brunch for us, because his present was a flight lesson later that day. He didn't know about it at all though.

His dad really had put a lot of effort in making it a real surprise. He first had to find 3 envelopes in his garden (by throwing a paper airplane toward different things), and the envelopes all contained scrabble letters that together made the sentence: flight lesson today.

Tomorrow I am going to try to put up some pics of what I've bought during my trip. My shopping results in other words. Good Night.

Alex throwing the plane.

Looking for envelopes.

Trying to get the words.

The result.

An independence day.

I guess there is no more patriotic country than the United States. 4th of July is such a big day here! The stars and stripes is everywhere, and I really mean everywhere: on clothes, cakes, houses, you name it! Another big thing is the fireworks and the show in Washington. Here are some pictures of my little less patriotic 4th of July.

A great asian restaurant.

Yesterday I went to a very nice new restaurant called Aikou. They describe themselves like this :  Aikou Restaurant blends traditional Culinary art with the modern concept of fine dining in an elegant contemporary atmosphere. The excellence of our service makes our diners feel the most satisfaction and enjoyment in dining. They had everything from Japanese food and sushi to malesian and indian specialities. I really recommend it! You find it in Flemington and Morristown in New Jersey.


A master at work.

 Tired after working at school.   

A cool japanese soda.

A big apple.

New York city was awesome as always. You don't actually have to do anything special to have a good time: the atmosphere there is just so great. The lights and the commercials, the people, the sounds, everything.

Best breakfast: Ellen Stardust diner. The waitresses are people who wants to be on the shows at Broadway, so they sing while they serve you your very american breakfast. I had a sesame bagel this time, but the others had french toast and pancakes and stuff like that.

Best dinner: The Hard Rock Cafe. I didn't think the food was going to be good there, but it was delicious and the music was even better. Love!!

I was stupid enough to take a picture with the fucking naked cowboy. Now I just feel like an simple tourist. Which I actually am, but I don't want to admit that.

More later. I really need to try to put some pics here!

An exitement.

it's time to leave the place I am living at right now, and go to a city called Basking Ridge where our cousins live. We will stay there for a couple of days. 3 days will be spent in New York City. I am really looking forward to that!

I've totally spoiled my blog with these boring pictureless texts. :( It looks awful, but I don't have much time to sit by the computer.

A rainstorm. Again.

The rainy weather meant more shopping at the mall. This resulted in 2 pairs of converse shoes, and 4 cardigans from Urban Outfitters. I was also offered a job at Abercrombie & Fitch. Strange. Now it's time for some pizza!

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